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Landscape Maintenance Lake Norman

Landscape Maintenance Lake Norman

Landscape Maintenance Lake Norman


Service what you sell!

As we have installed hundreds of immaculate landscapes in and around the Lake Norman shore line for residents and businesses, we also maintain most of them. Landscape maintenance is a large portion of our jobs, keeping everything beautiful and functional is critical. Perennials and annuals are the vital aspects of a “Living Garden” and we incorporate a flower or vegetation theme according to the desires of the homeowner. Yellow this spring and purple the next, we can make that happen.

Let us help get you started on a beautiful annual bed and show you the best methods to maintain it going forward.



Landscape Concepts

Landscape Maintenance

Parks and playgrounds are important to maintain because our children play in these areas. Applying mulch not only helps the horticulture, but also keeps your kids a softer landing while having fun on the playground. One of our premium services is landscape maintenance and mulch blowing. Landscape Concepts is always proud to serve you and your children.


Landscape Concepts


Landscape Maintenance

Landscape Maintenance