Thursday, December 20th, 2012 at
8:00 pm

Professional Landscapers Mooresville
During the spring and summer months there are a plethora of “landscapers” on the highway with their lawnmowers and leaf blowers on their truck or in tow. Amazing how we do not see them during the colder months….
Professional landscapers do much more than “Mow, Blow & Go” your grass; we are an educated small group of business owners with a history of success and an understanding of the soil, earth, rock composition and vast learning of vegetation.
If you are ever uncertain if you are in the presence of a professional landscaper, ask them this simple question: What is the PH level of my soil and which foliage will thrive in it? If you receive a prompt confident answer, you are in good hands but if the answer is stalled and complex consider contacting a true professional landscaper.
Mr. Mow-Blow-Go and his crew will rarely be seen in the colder month, that’s the season when an educated horticulturist shine.
Landscape Concepts
Sunday, December 16th, 2012 at
7:00 pm

Retaining Walls Mooresville
Retaining walls have more value than many residential home owners realize. A properly installed retaining wall will add beauty to a lawn, increase the usable lawn space and increase the equity of the property.
A residential lawn typically has 1/4 to 1/3 acre of land, in which the home resides along with the landscape foliage. A retaining wall used to add beauty will increase the land space by incorporating planters and vegetation, thus adding flowers in areas otherwise impossible to enhance.
Many lake shore lots have a sloping lawn, adding a retaining wall will allow for leveling and stair-stepping or sectioning of lawn previously not accessible. The rock wall can be constructed in sections or as a larger single wall with access to the shoreline.
Retaining walls and trees are not a good mix, be mindful of where you add trees to your property, the roots of a tree can compromise the integrity of the wall and cause it to fail.
Landscape Concepts
Saturday, December 8th, 2012 at
5:00 pm

Mooresville Landscapers
We have enjoyed becoming one of the premier Mooresville Landscapers for almost a decade now. Part of the pleasure has been derived from watching our work flourish throughout the seasons. Proper irrigation design enables your landscape to grow and produce unforgettable foliage throughout the entire growing season. During the colder times it helps keep the root base healthy for the spring.
Using hand drawn landscape plans as a foundation to the project ensures the proper guidelines to success. From the implementation of the irrigation system to the hardscapes and vegetation, the entire landscape process is founded on the base of our hand drawn landscape plans.
Landscape Concepts
Tuesday, December 4th, 2012 at
4:00 pm

Lake Norman Landscape Completion
It has been some time since writing about the huge landscape project. We completed it a couple of weeks ago and everyone was ecstatic over the results. The owners held a celebration and invited our entire team to join in.
Large landscape projects are something we embrace, getting our hands dirty and watching something beautiful form is major perks for our profession.
Landscape Concepts
Monday, November 26th, 2012 at
2:00 pm

Mulch Spreading Mooresville
As we approach the end of the year, don’t forget your annual plants and shrubbery. It’s never a bad time to spruce up your lawn with new mulch and our equipment makes it easy without disrupting your lawn.
Mulch never goes out of season.
Landscape Concepts
Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 at
5:00 am

Lake Norman Landscape Update
With the irrigation installed and working perfectly, we turned our focus on the hardscape. Walkway pavers lead you through the landscape from various gardens to water features ending at the outdoor kitchen and swimming pool.
The pavers, decorative retaining wall and outdoor fireplace and kitchen all incorporated the same stone with a complimentary stone added sporadically to accent the hardscape. Symmetry is a focal point with every hardscape project, the “flow” of the Mooresville Landscape is a key element designed into this project from the beginning.
Next is the swimming pool.
Landscape Concepts
Friday, October 12th, 2012 at
5:00 am

Landscape Lighting Charlotte Update
The Charlotte outdoor lighting project is complete and expectations were greatly exceeded. The accent lighting installed along the walkway pavers highlights the vegetation and walkway with soft LED lights. Various low watt lights were placed strategically in the shrubbery to illuminate the home with a very soft touch.
The evening inspection with the homeowners (and a few neighbors) brought forth the reaction we love most, the Oohs and Aahs along with the applause spoke volumes. We are designing plans for one of the neighbors next week.
Landscape Concepts
Sunday, October 7th, 2012 at
4:00 am

Lake Norman Landscape
We started a BIG landscape project on a Lake Norman home last week; I anticipate numerous updates on the very large project.
Upon deciding on an elaborate design, we broke ground and installed the irrigation system. An irrigation system provides the proper amount of water on a scheduled basis to your lawn.
Next, we start the hardscape!
Landscape Concepts
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 at
3:00 am

Landscape Lighting Charlotte
A few weeks ago, we received a call from a Charlotte home owner inquiring about our outdoor lighting. After meeting with the couple, the design was created and on the second meeting, an agreement was reached.
The beauty of landscape lighting is remarkable, illuminating a lawn or building has so many options that expectations are unlimited. This is year round illumination, accenting the beauty of a landscape in the evening hours.
Look for more updates on this landscape lighting project.
Landscape Concepts
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012 at
2:00 am

Beautiful Lawns for Salisbury Castles
A beautiful lawn is an attainable goal for every home and why shouldn’t it be! Your home is your castle and your castle can be as beautiful as you wish, so why not decorate it with annuals, perennials, brick patios and walkways; it’s your castle decorate it as you like.
You will be looking at your castle more than anyone else. We specialize in beautiful landscapes for Salisbury Castles.
Landscape Concepts